Cavalier Clay by Blumaan - Expectations Met

Introduction There have been several products that I have been wanting to review, but have not done so in the name of laziness. However, I finally decided to get off my arse and start writing another review after realising I have been doing absolutely nothing for the past few weeks. Today, we'll be taking a look at yet another clay, called Cavalier Clay (I'm a clay lover if you can't tell) by Blumaan . This clay is an oil based clay, a first for the blog. So far, the products that I have tried from their line ( Original and Cavalier ) have impressed me and I do plan on writing a review on Original , but that's for another day. Background There's nothing much to say about background, other than the fact that this product was originally by Cameron Cretney , another popular YouTuber. I'm not sure if Blumaan was a part of the formulation throughout, so that's about it really. It's an oil based clay which promises to create extreme texture and c...